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/ QRZ! Ham Radio 6 / QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso / pc / files / p_baycom / bay_tpk.zip

File Comment
                This File was Distributed via the
                    HAM DISTRIBUTION NET <sm>
                and has been scanned for viruses.
The Ham Distribution Net <sm>, HDN, is a world-wide network of amateur radio 
land-line bulletin boards that bring together the amateur radio software 
authors and amateur radio operators. 
HDN is a not-for-profit service organization, using FidoNet compatible 
technology, which provides this distribution network at no cost to 
For additional information on submitting programs to HDN or obtaining informa-
tion on receiving HDN files, write HDN, P.O. Box 50003, Dallas, Tx 75250-0003.
Lee Laird, AB5SM       FidoNet: 1:124/7009     InterNet: ab5sm@netcom.com

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONFIG.TPK Text File 46 879b 1994-02-19
READ.ME Text File 30 1KB 1994-02-19
TB1.BAT DOS Batch File 15 219b 1994-02-19
TB2.BAT DOS Batch File 15 222b 1994-03-12
TFPCX.INI Text File 84 4KB 1994-02-04
TPK-BCOM.DOC Text File 114 4KB 1994-02-19

Other Files (5)
BTPK.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 12KB 1993-05-06
TFPCX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 24KB 1994-01-30
TFPCX286.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1993-11-20
TNCDED.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 27KB 1993-12-25
CHKLIST.CPS Unknown 81b 1994-01-31